Top 20 NuGet files Packages
Gorilla Geek Storage Manager
Crypteron CipherStor for encrypting files and file streams destined for Azure Blob Storage, Amazon S3, SMB and local file servers
Adds configuration provider which reads and writes into files.
A DynamicStore storage and configuration provider used for storing app data and configuration settings in local JSON files
Resolves requests to local or embeded files.
Upload files or streams to FTP server.
FileSystem Storage Service implementation
BlobService.Core library for hosting blobservice on-permise
This is the Css files of the Shared framework.
BlobService.Client library for interacting with BlobService
File provider for files in embedded resources for Ms.Extensions.FileProviders.
Abstractions of files and directories.
Dynamic Library to filesystem mapping with Authorization implementation of Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles.
New generation of Aspose Storage Cloud SDK that provides managers for multiple storage types in Aspose Cloud from .NET applications.