Top 20 NuGet fable Packages

A binary-to-text encoder/decoder library for .NET and Fable. Provides base 16, base 32, base 46, base 64, and base 91 codecs. Supports custom character sets.
pigeon-maps bindings based on the Feliz API
react-popover bindings based on the Feliz API
This is a simple queries generator for consume odata apis (only for GET)
React-Markdown bindings based on the Feliz API
UrlParser for Elmish apps
UrlParser for Elmish apps
Calendar extension for Feliz.Bulma
Fable bindings for react-native-fontawesome
Feliz binding for the rough-viz library
Adds easy to use delayed rendering
Fable.GroupingPanel is an F# computation expression for Fable.React that helps you to easily group UI data into one or more collapsible groups.
Fable binding for oidc-client javascript library
Fable implementation of Apache Avro. The library generates an Avro schema by an F# type as well as serialize and deserialise an F# data in json encodings.
Quill rich text editor extension for Feliz
Toastr integration with Fable, implemented as Elmish commands
Simple Fable App
Fable Ava Bindings
Fable Ava Bindings
Simple elmish application using React as a renderer