Top 20 NuGet extensions Packages

Afonsoft Extensions DateTime Holiday Brazil Feriados Nacionais Brasil
Package Description
A set of extensions to add flash message feature to ASP.NET Core projects.
Mikepenz's fastadapter-extensions-diff binding for Xamarin
An extended library of interaction between blazor and js. And The name mimics jQuery.
A list of extension methods for commonly used functionality
Userful Type extensions for checks
A library for different extensions.
Azure Storage Extensions is a .NET library aimed for managing and querying entities from Microsoft Azure Storage. It's built on top of Microsoft Azure Cosmos Table Library, provides LINQ to Azure Tables queries and async interfaces.
Usefull extensions, Functional programming, Railway oriented
XdtExtensions lib adds new transform operations for XDT (Xml Document Transform)
Microsoft.Azure.AppConfiguration.AspNetCore allows developers to use Microsoft Azure App Configuration service as a configuration source in their Legacy .NET applications. This package adds additional features for ASP.NET 4.x applications to the existing package Microsoft.Extensions.Configurat...
AspNet Core WebApi configuration helpers
A collection of simple, but useful extensions to .NET basic objects
A simple extension classes manager