Top 20 NuGet extensions Packages

Compare interfaces and mixn for this traits
A Cake addin used to call the changelog commands to generate a config or create a changelog file
Collection of helpful code for Xamarin.Forms
Collection of helpful code for Xamarin.Forms
Collection of helpful code for Xamarin.Forms
Useful extension methods
An addin for cake scripts that provides a way of combining markdown documents into one large document for pandoc generation
This package includes Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls like APIs cross-platform such as: - Orientation for providing constants that specify the different orientations that a control or layout can have.
Package Description
Helper Extensions
A small library which provides different commonly-used utils and extensions.
Dapper extensions and connection class. Allows advanced searching and sorting and crud functions. Maps to tables and columns via attributes. Even has many ways to be smart about updating. Even allows multiple tables include one to many joins with up to 3 tables.
LINQ operators to enable C# 8.0 index and range new features working with LINQ queries and any type that implements IEnumerable<T>.
Collection of extensions.
Extensions for NCalc
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description