Top 20 NuGet eventsourcing Packages

Library for simple event sourcing
Uses Azure Cosmos DB as the stream database for Simple Event Store (SES)
This is experimental playground for event-driven-thinking mindset. Designed for WPF applications.
This is experimental playground for event-driven-thinking mindset.
NES (.NET Event Sourcing) is a lightweight framework that helps you build domain models when you're doing event sourcing.
xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.EventSourcing.SampleFileSystem
NES (.NET Event Sourcing) is a lightweight framework that helps you build domain models when you're doing event sourcing.
AggregateSource provides lightweight infrastructure for building an eventsourced, aggregate based domain model.
NES (.NET Event Sourcing) is a lightweight framework that helps you build domain models when you're doing event sourcing.
NES (.NET Event Sourcing) is a lightweight framework that helps you build domain models when you're doing event sourcing.
Event store implementation based on the Atom syndication format.
Orleans EventSourcing Couchbase EventStore Plusin