Top 20 NuGet eventsourcing Packages
Equinox and Propulsion templates: dotnet new eqxweb, eqxwebcs, eqxtestbed, proConsumer, proProjector, proReactor, proSync
A Microsoft SQL Server event store implementation for Regalo.Core.
Implements an event store using Entity Framework, with event payloads persisted using the configured serializer.
Event sourcing mechanism.
Framework for hosting a CQRS and Event Sourcing architecture on Azure
Paramol provides lightweight infrastructure for producing SQL DML statements.
Simple Event Store (SES) provides a lightweight event sourcing abstraction.
xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.EventSourcing.EF
xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.EventSourcing.Queryable
Implements a very simple unoptimized store for the file system.
Simple, fully unit-tested fake implementations of interfaces from Regalo.Core, to aid unit testing.
EventStore.Client.FSharp is a NuGet that adds a F#-ideomatic interface on top of EventStore
EventSourcing hosting infrastructure.