Top 20 NuGet event Packages

A .NET 4.5 library for Windows to simulate mouse movements like clicking and scrolling the mouse wheel.
Allows binding a method to any WPF/Avalonia event
This is a minor patch release to fix the bug. This project has been compiled as a nuget package to de-couple the project from the references through nuget rather than to project level references.
This is a minor patch to fix the bug.
Event Sourcing Common
Event Sourcing Client
Modified to take a multi-targeting approach so that it can be consumed from either .NET Standard 2.1 or by .NET Framework 4.7.2 or above. Automatically implements the tedious part of the .NET 4.5 EventSource class. Also automatically converts any interface to an ETW trace point. Wrap your interfaces...
Winook is a .NET library to install thread-level hooks.
The libraries for using the Microsoft SQL Server implementation of Sql Stream Store.
The elements required to manage a Stream checkpoint inside a Redis data store
Converters, EventToCommandBehavior, EventService to communicate between different application components, CacheService based sqlite
Event bus abstractions for a leightweihgt event bus system.
The elements required to manage a Stream checkpoint inside a Postgres data store
Strenua Domain provides a set of base classes to implement DDD with or without Event Sourcing in your project.
The libraries for using the MySql implementation of Sql Stream Store.
Helpers for CQRS + DDD + ES implementation
Abstractions for fckrest.aspcore.ced
Entidades compartidas para administracion de Eventos IconnServices
A .NET Core tool for managing remote Github workflow_dispatch action triggering.