Top 20 NuGet event Packages

A small and simple library for using event sourcing to store objects. - Support for storing data in json files or Sql server (14.0.3X) Use this only for simple proof-of-concepts. This is a hobby project and should not be used to run professional work loads. See demo here:
This is the next generation Azure Event Hubs .NET Standard Service Fabric Processor library, which integrates Event Hub event consumption with Service Fabric. For more information about Event Hubs, see
Creates a "selected" function that you can use with a <select> object and jQuery to fire off a custom function when an item is selected. $('#MyDropDown').selected(function() { //Do Whatever... });
Custom events for Javascript. Is an implementation of the observer design pattern.
Retlang is a high performance C# threading library (see Jetlang for a version in Java). The library is intended for use in message based concurrency similar to event based actors in Scala. The library does not provide remote messaging capabilities. It is designed specifically for high performance in...
Replacement for Event To Command behavior for WinRT XAML applications (Windows 8 or Windows Phone 8)
Starting in September 2012, Microsoft proposed a specification for unifying touch, pen and mouse events called pointer events. Currently this specification is a…draft :). So modern browsers are not supporting it right now. Only Internet Explorer 10 (obviously !) supports it through vendor prefixes....
The Web Solutions Platform (WSP) event system is a general-purpose distributed publish/subscribe event system designed for high performance and low latency. Publish/subscribe is a common communication pattern though there are many variations to solve different scenario requirements. The event system...
Core package for Apworks application development framework.
An extensible commands and events processor pattern implementation.
Publish and Take asynchronous event from multiple consumers in applications and perform some action on them.
Functional reactive programming lib for JavaScript. Turns your event spaghetti into clean and declarative feng shui bacon, by switching from imperative to functional.
Protobuf-net wrapper
The TraceEvent library allows users to control ETW logging and System.Diagnostic.Tracing.EventSource logging. This package contains sample uses of the library. Simply add it to your app (or a new console app). Call TraceEventSamples.AllSamples.Run() to run the samples. See the _ReadMe.txt to...
LightBus is a lightweight in-process bus.
A simple and easy-to-use .NET managed wrapper for Low Level Keyboard hooking.
A portable message bus based on Square's Otto
My package description.
JustSaying is a light-weight service bus on top of AWS services that allows communication via messaging in a distributed architecture.