Top 20 NuGet event Packages

EventWay.Infrastructure.Redis is a Redis implementation of the Event and Projection Metadata Repository in the the modular Event Sourcing + CQRS framework, EventWay.
EventWay.Infrastructure.InMemory is an in-memory implementation of the Event and Projection Metadata Repository in the the modular Event Sourcing + CQRS framework, EventWay.
EventWay.Infrastructure.ApplicationInsights tracks all events of the aggreate by Azure Application Insights
Simple Message bus for .Net Supported platforms: - .NET Framework 4.5+ - .NET Standard 2.0+
An extensible lightweight library for .NET that manages the Aggregate lifecycle in an Event Sourced system. Supports Event and Snapshot storage providers like EventStore/Redis or SQL Server. Built with dependency injection in mind and seamlessly integrates with AspNetCore.
Simple bus implementation in .NET for messaging with no dependencies, if you are using aspnet core use LightBus.Microsoft.DependencyInjection to register the handlers automatic
A simple to use Event Hub that allows you to publish and subscribe to events of any type.
Contains a bunch of interfaces, abstract classes, etc... to easily deal with domain driven architectures
A high performance, file backed, append only event streaming library.
Azure EventGrid Client
This library contains implementations for building ES apps using Event Store.
This library contains a base for building ES apps.
Entity Framework 6 plugin for attaching the entities materialized from queries to a FluentEvents EventsContext automatically
FluentEvents is an event aggregation framework for implementing domain events and integration events in DDD applications.