Top 20 NuGet entity Packages

T4 code generation templates for N-Tier Entity Framework.
Micua Framework
Dapper implementation of the RedRocket Persistence Framework
An EF Code First implementation of a derived DbContext with provisions for the soft delete pattern. You would normally subclass the provided class for your own DbContext class. The entities should have a column named IsDeleted or Deleted. Reverse Engineer EF CodeFirst text templates are provided wi...
A generic data layer to work with Entity Framework 6 code first and dbcontext.
A library with better semantics for list manipulation
Generic DAO with Interface using NInject and Entity Framework.
.NET package for Bulk operations in SQL Server using DbConnection or DbContext (Entity Framework )
Package consists of a Visual Studio solution containing a simple meal-tracking app built using VS2013, MVC4, REST/Web API, Entity Framework, and SQL Server 2008. It contains client-side and server-side data validation and demonstrates user accounts with varying permissions. Only the administrator r...
Portable library for attaching behaviours to objects at runtime using extension methods. An entity-component system, if you will.
A .NET library that provides query objects for filtering and sorting entities.
Simple framework for easy unit testable entity framework.
Simple framework for easy unit testable entity framework.
Entity framework record and play For record use DbInterception.Add(new InterceptionRecordOrPlay(@"", ModeInterception.Record)); For play use DbInterception.Add(new InterceptionRecordOrPlay(@"", ModeInterception.Play)); Source code at
Generic repository for Entity Framework. This is an Early Alpha Build. Work in process.
Jacinth Entity System, by Aravol
Entity Framework Context Library (ECL) provides DbContextFactory to support mutliple DbContext instances within a UnitOfWork transaction scope through UnitOfWorkManager, using Entity Framework 7.
Luma.SimpleEntity.CodeGen provides the MsBuild Tasks to generate client entity class with metadata attributes for validation, INotifyPropertyChanged implementation and others.