Top 20 NuGet entity Packages

Provides auto generated predicate ExpressionStarter<TEntity> through a filtering model, using LinqKit.Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
Hierarchy-Based Entity Component System (ECS) Framework
Simple classes / tools / wrappers to manipulate data on Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB
CosmosDbFramework enables .NET developers to work with a CosmosDb database using .NET objects.
CosmosDbFramework enables .NET developers to work with a CosmosDb database using .NET objects.
CosmosDbFramework enables .NET developers to work with a CosmosDb database using .NET objects.
Security database context classes for entity framework
Extensions for Linq for Entity Framework Core
Generic Repository Pattern and Unit Of Work for C# .Net Core
NetStandard2.0 Unit Of Work
Generic Implementaion of the Repository Pattern that allows for faster development of application's data-access layer
Unit of Work pattern implementation