Top 20 NuGet entity Packages
A package that contains the base classes for Aggregates, Entities and ValueTypes.
Entity Framework Core extensions, repository, DbContext, Migrations
Small collection of exceptions in a .NET Standard library.
A lightweight generic entities cacheable repository using Dapper
Shared design-time components for Entity Framework Core tools.
Library to work with database, apply migrations and data using Entity Framework Core
Extends Modulos.Testing.Db with integrations for EntityFrameworkCore.
Elsa is a set of workflow libraries and tools that enable lean and mean workflowing capabilities in any .NET Core application.
This package provides the following Entity activities:
* EntityChanged
Console Application to automate common, time-consuming and error prone tasks during customisation and configuration of Dynamics 365/CDS
Zero-trust security for every web app. Protect your ASP.NET Core MVC web apps or RESTful APIs with a multi-stage security pipeline that includes XSS detection, authentication, IP firewall, two-factor, activity/data authorization, account verification and suspension checks. To get started Visit https...
The Telerik.DataAccess.Fluent NuGet package is designed for projects containing classes that are stored using Telerik Data Access. It can be utilized for defining your data access model using the code-only Fluent Mapping.
It provides the assembly references and project enhancements made by the Tele...
DevForce takes care of your application's infrastructure-the gap between your data-layer and client-layer where the difficult job of turning raw data into business objects and moving them to and from the client's screen takes place. DevForce fills this gap so you don't have to. Instead of building, ...
Beetle WebApi 2 Controller Api. Simply derive from BeetleWebApiController and manage your data easily. For example check sample project on github.
Beetle Mvc 5 Controller Api. Simply derive from BeetleMvcController and manage your data easily. For example check sample project on github.
EntityFramework.Toolkit is a library which provides implementations for EntityFramework best practices, patterns, utilities and extensions.
Genesys Source Framework Windows foundation classes for your app, controllers, views and model classes. Genesys Framework is a full-stack .NET solution that centralizes your business objects in one reusable solution that runs in Windows, Web and Mobile..
EntityFrameworkCore.FirebirdSql is an ORM, created at the top of the Firebird ADO.NET (FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient) Data Provider. It allows you to use Entity Framework Core 2.0 as an extension, to access Firebird (2.x, 3.x, 4.x)