Top 20 NuGet encryption Packages
A library for encrypting and decrypting strings using AES.
EnKrypt.Standard is a simple encryption library using a complex shift algorithm.
An assembly to assist with easing cryptographic functions and/or to encourage their use.
Wraps the .NET Framework encryption routines to provide easily accessible encryption and decryption.
Encryption Provider of the JsonHttpClient for ASP.NET Core Applications
Call the AddJsonHttpClientEnryption extension method for the Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection
A JsonHttpClient based on the System.Net.Http.HttpClient
Commonly Used Types:
Encryption extension
IoC friendly C# .netstandard2.0 library for symmetric cryptographic operations.
Aes and Rsa encryption. Md5 and Sha hash code generator.
Easy-To-Use Rijndael encryption and decryption for .NET
CryptoWar is a class library that wraps the Rijndael Algorithm in a Password crypto utility class. It's developed in C#. It also ships an utility for auto generate passwords. It is an implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) adopted by the US government.
Nuget (C# library) for Encrypting and Decrypting based on AES. TripleDES, DES encryption
Microsoft SEAL is an easy-to-use and powerful open source homomorphic encryption library, developed by researchers in the Cryptography and Privacy Research Group at Microsoft Research. Microsoft SEAL is licensed under the MIT license.
A superior encryption algorithm for encrypting data types string, integer and byte arrray as well as Decrptying corresponding Data types
A simple Encryptor and Decryptor. Works on all datatypes.
An AES encryption library.
Common String, SecureString, and Collection Extension Methods which include:
ToSecureString, ToInsecureString, EqualsIgnoreCase, ContainsIgnoreCase, Before, After, FuzzyEquals, IsNullOrEmpty, and IsNullOrWhiteSpace.
Additionally there are helper methods and classes that simplify working with ...