Top 20 NuGet encryption Packages

Extension for the .NET Framework cryptography subsystem, which introduces the Paillier public key cryptosystem with support for homomorphic addition.
JWT (JSON Web Token) Portable Implementation for .NET 4.5+ (Public Domain). Supported algorithms: HMAC signatures with HS256, HS384 and HS512.
Xamarin Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) and JSON Web Token (JWT) Implementation for .NET 4.0+ Ultimate Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) and JSON Web Token (JWT) Implementation for .NET 4.0+ Minimallistic. Full suite of signature and encryption algorithms. Supports g...
Various utilities for C#.NET.
Extension for the .NET Framework cryptography subsystem, which introduces the Paillier public key cryptosystem with support for homomorphic addition.
Extension for the .NET Framework cryptography subsystem, which introduces the ElGamal public key cryptosystem with support for homomorphic multiplication.
Chrome/Mozilla push notifications payload encryption for .NET
Entity Framework Always Encryted support through Azure Key Vault
Breaking Change -- This package is now deprecated in favor of the Hallmanac.CryptoHelpers NuGet package. The breaking change is that the namespaces have changed in this library to match the .NET Standard library. It is now "Hallmanac.CryptoHelpers". The author (being me) was a little daft and didn'...
A .NET library made in F# to do encryption and decryptions of text with caesar cipher. Create an instance of the class/module `CaesarCipher`, and start by using the functions `Encrypt(message:string, key:int)` and `Decrypt(message:string, key:int)`.
Provides best practice encryption and hashing methods. These functions can be used to safely encrypt data and hash passwords.
A simple, string-oriented class for symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption, and hashing.
Bouncy Castle PGP Encryption implementation that uses streams and buffers to handle large files without copying everything into memory at once.
A .NET standard class library for interacting with Ethereum keystore files
A GPG JSON Field Cipher
A library for encrypting web.config files.
Simplifies data encryption and decryption, removing the need to handle byte arrays, memory slices and other low level implementation details.