Top 20 NuGet dynamic Packages

Cryptopp Library is a free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes.
Python and CLR (.NET and Mono) cross-platform language interop
Simple and lightweight library for dynamically create unit test interface mocks
Simple and lightweight library for dynamically create proxy object
Newtonsoft.JSON converter making it possible to round-trip type-safe ExpandoObjects.
A library to fast deserialize xml format.
A nuget package for the project. It's a Database agnostic SQL query builder and Data Access Layer for .NET. Build safe SQL Statements using familiar syntax and execute on any database with minimal effort. Written in C# using VS 2008.
DLR-based late-bound P/Invoke for F#
A dynamic library for the Eve Online CREST API.
CodeJamExtensibility helps you create extensible applications.
A C# expression parser for a single line string input.
A model binder for ASP.NET Core which allows you to bind to JToken (so JArray and JObject are covered) from either application/json or from an html form post
A library that dispatches member access of a type to its mapped types when there are no common interfaces or inheritances between them.
Write reusable filter expressions that get compiled at runtime!
Extension methods to convert any BsonValue to dynamics.
Dynamic control over Android vector drawables. This library introduces dynamic control over vector drawables. Each and every aspect of a vector drawable can be controlled dynamically (via Java instances), using this library.
This Library will generate a robust and extensible Search Procedure for SQL Server. It can also generate an Insert Procedure.
Set of extension methods/properties that make File IO easier.