Top 20 NuGet dynamic Packages
PLinq extensions for dynamic data. This is the recommended Dynamic Data package when targetting net 4.5 or above
A collection of .Net utilities for dynamic types
Package for simple web requests. Allows to synchronously or asynchronously send GET and POST requests with one line of code and get response in specified or dynamic object.
A tiny (ligthweight) tcp server providing tcp infrastructure and hooks (on client data exchange) for application with possibility to specify behaviour dynamically via C# script.
Dynamic table definitions for Starcounter. For Starcounter or later
Microsoft ServiceBus based implementation of Dynamic Queue.
RabbitMq based implementation of Dynamic Queue.
Angular Dynamic Locale (angular-dynamic-locale) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Signed Xamarin Android Support Library - Dynamic Animation assemblies for Intersoft Crosslight.
A class generator and interceptor based on the Roslyn compiler
A Xamarin.Forms layout to bind data to a wrapped data. Allows for observable child views and auto updating layouts.
AutoProc is a lightweight Asp.Net Core 2 middleware package which makes it easy to create a backend by exposing your stored procedures as an API.
Class Library assembly for the CS-Script engine (no dependencies). CS-Script is a CLR (Common Language Runtime) based scripting system which uses ECMA-compliant C# as a programming language.
This package distributes only the raw CS-Script engine so you can use it (if required) with untested dependen...
A contract based REST client and server library.
EF Integration of DynamicLinq
Xamarin Dynamic Forms
A slim yet powerful ORM layer.
React Breadcrumbs Dynamic (react-breadcrumbs-dynamic) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.