Top 20 NuGet dotnet Packages

Contains generally useful extensions for .NET Core.
A dotnet core base implementation for a Slack API bot.
Fabrik.Common.WebAPI is full of useful code we use for building ASP.NET Web API applications at fabrik.
Wrapper for omdbapi in C# .NETCore
a develop framework named assistant jane!
a develop framework named assistant jane!
JsonStream is a thread-safe dotNet Standard Class Library to make easy to read and to write json structures from/to a stream.
A light-weight wrapper for the TMDb Api written in C#. TmdbEasy makes getting movie data a piece of cake..
You can import or export your excel files easily.
ASP.NET Core test framework for dotnet new project templates.
Transactional File Manager is a .NET API that supports including file system operations such as file copy, move, delete, append, etc. in a transaction. It's an implementation of System.Transaction.IEnlistmentNotification (works with System.Transactions.TransactionScope). See GitHub project for more...
A C# .NET Class Library containing tools for parsing the command line arguments of console applications.
A set of utilities and extensions for working with Tasks. Part of the "Open" set of libraries.
Tool for converting a MSBuild project file to VS2017 format and beyond.
Safe deep deletion, like 'rm -rf' as a .NET Core Global Tool
CLI tool that installs a certificate to the specified store (defaults to My).
NLedger, a .Net port of Ledger accounting system (
AsterNET an Asterisk FastAGI and AMI framework for .NET
🧬 One-touch unmanaged memory, libraries, executable modules, runtime dynamic use of the unmanaged native C/C++ in .NET world, related P/Invoke features, and ... Even accessing to complex types like structures without their declaration at all. ## Why Conari ? It was des...
Request logger for ASP.NET Core