Top 20 NuGet dotnet Packages

Package Description
A Geolocation Zen pebble.
Oracle adapter for Zen
MySql adapter for Zen
A .NET CLI tool for creating and managing projects in a folder structure suitable for Hexagonal Architecture and Microservices. Is similar to how Angular CLI tool uses commands to create components, modules, services, etc.
HtmlArk embeds images, fonts, CSS and JavaScript into an HTML file.
A general purpose open source utility and helper library for .NET development
Reloj Windows es una aplicación que muestra la fecha y hora y se puede usar casi como un salvapantalla. Permite acoplarlo a la parte superior derecha o izquierda. (para .NET 5.0 revisión del 13-dic-2010) v1.0.0.12 (13-dic-20) Ahora se recuerda y usa si estaba mostrado a tamaño pequeño.
A small utility for await multiple containers in a docker-compose waiting to have their exit codes
Contains threading utilities part of PSTk.Core toolkit.
Contains diagnostic utilities part of PSTk.Core toolkit.
Project template for creating qBic projects
Gofer is a simple database migration CLI utility.
A dotnet tool that automatically versions csproj files semantically with git integration.
A libary for extended release notes functions using FAKE.
A Collection of Fuzzy String Algorithms for .NET Classic and .NET Core.
This is a C# port of the C-based MPFIT Levenberg-Marquardt solver for nonlinear least-squares data fitting at Argonne National Labs for .NET 2.0 and higher, or any platform target compatible with PCL Profile 328 or .NET Standard 1.0.
A library of helpers for the purpose of testing rest-based services. It is named after the author who wrote the book of James in the Bible. (James 1:2-3)
Productivity extensions for building better applications faster.