Top 20 NuGet dotnet Packages

Simple, efficient, and tested .Net Core database migrations supporting multiple database technologies.
add documentation summary for entity framework 6.x edmx file from database table and column comment,now for sqlserver only, you can download source code to add other db implementation!
Allows creation and promotion of releases within Octopus Deploy
BenchmarkDotNet C# project template
Luke's models
Luke's exceptions
.NET CLI tool that can download .gitignore file from gitignore repository
This package aim is that create standardization rules to functions return object. This structure has a few benefit like that I showed in below Help you to code standartizion and coverage of code's purpose. Type Safety and Error Preventing (like not found rec on Db exception) Encoruge To use SOLI...
Provides the analyzers necessary to ensure that Enumeration derivations with [FlagsEnumeration] decoration are declared partial.
Convert excel files into sql scripts
.NET Core Global Tool that gives a a random blog post from
Nice WPF equivalent of Toast Notifications. Works in any windows application type, including console.
Full safe inter-process communication solution. Allows to start processes and exchange data between them. Including processes started by different users, including SYSTEM account. Provides support to start processes in user context when the parent process is started from SYSTEM account. Provide...
Libraries useful to build custom installers. This one is specific to Windows systems, where WPF / WinForms are not needed use Woof.Core.Deployment instead.
.NET Standard extensions to make some debugging / benchmarking work easier.
C# Fluent API for interacting with Mock-Server
This is a Command line tool. Supported: MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512.