Top 20 NuGet dotnet Packages

Package Description
Simple parser for .qfx and .qbo files.
A Data Access Layer for working with DNN modules in DNN Current and DNN vNext
A tool that helps you run .NET tools without first having to install them. Install with the .NET CLI 2.1 or newer: dotnet tool install -g dx Run dx from the command line, for example, for dotnetsay: dx dotnetsay Hello World!
Collection of regular expressions for all kind of chess moves.
Event sourcing client for C#/.NET.
Middleware to allow for multi-tenancy in .net core web api applications.
Analyzes dependencies, concerning their licenses and vulnerabilities, used in projects developed in .NET platform. For .NET Core projects, install this tool
Search for Nuget packages using the .NET Core CLI. Example: dotnet search
.NET Template for a console application with commands
An async-based CryptoCompare API client library for .NET and .NET Core
The MSBuild targets and properties for building .NET projects with Xamarin IoT support.
Msbuild targets to compile and build VcxProjs using GCC with dotnet in Windows and Linux. With this tool nuget package you can target any build server and your .sln just works fine.
Gapi.Client.Gamesconfiguration binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Extension methods to ease your everyday development life.
A tool that helps you find other dotnet tools Install with the .NET CLI 2.1 or newer: dotnet tool install -g dotnet-which Run dotnet-which from the command line, for example: dotnet which
C# Standard Library used to make console games in C#