Top 20 NuGet dotnet Packages

demo package for dotnet core
"dotnet new" solution template to create a core console app based on the Cake build system.
Enables you to define your application initialization workflow just like in ASP.NET Core
Resque.Core is a dotnet core package for Resque compatible with resque rails.
Configure your projects to easily integrate behavior tests with Testavior.
Rocks Db Wrapper for .NET
It's the instead of mysql database connector with our ASP.Net applications. Example: Console, Web Form, MVC5 applications etc.
Collection of chess pieces which know where to move on the board. They just return pseudo moves or possible moves like if the board were empty.
Package Description
This package contains an image utility tool used to compress resize and detect mime type of images and documents of different formats.
A Screeps Profiler (screeps-profiler) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Common tools for .NET Core applications
Get msbuild info
Pinyin4net is a .net library supporting convertion between Chinese characters and Pinyin systems.
Library to parse Comma Separated Value lines into an IEnumerabl<string>, targeting dotnet core. CsvParser with Readline function. Accommodates cases 4, 5 and 7 of This release does not presently concern itself with the separation of records, and therefore case 6...
A GraphQL .NET library for usage with ASP.NET Core.
A GraphQL .NET server library.
A dotnet-new template for Botwin applications.