Top 20 NuGet dotnet Packages

Powershell and MSBuild tasks for standard devops tasks in C#. The tasks are simplified versions of Powershell and MSBuild script for ease use and understanding for newcommers to Powershell and MSBuild. Includes build and deploy examples.
The Micro Rule Engine is a small(As in about 200 lines) Rule Engine that allows you to create Business rules that are not hard coded. Under the hood MRE creates a Linq Expression tree and compies a rule into an anonymous method i.e. Func<T bool>
CuttingEdge.Logging is a library that helps programmers to output log statements to a variety of output targets in .NET applications. The design is based on the .NET 2.0 Provider Model. This means the library uses the same configuration and extensibility model.
Scotty doesn't know? Yes he does! Ask him if an update is available.
A C#-based system-level design framework with VHDL output
dotNet HOCON implementation library
邮件发送组件、内容采集、CSV数据文件导入工具、日志记录组件、MVC验证登陆组件、MVC分页组件、短信发送组件和强大的Repeate和RepeaterPager组件! 总有一款适合你。
This is a custom wrapper for managing HTTP requests and routes in .NET desktop applications.
Common tasks for DotNetBuild scripts
Assembly runner support for DotNetBuild scripts
Use .NET scripts to build your .NET code
Yomego loves Umbraco, but not so much the way the whole thing kind of ignores how Mvc works. We have built this framework for our own use, but if you fancy using it, give it a whirl. It has custom builds of both Ditto and uSync in which we also love, so much kudos to those guys too for...
Yomego loves Umbraco, but not so much in the way it doesnt work in Azure or AWS (yet). We have built this framework for our own use, but if you fancy using it, give it a whirl.
ILMerge.Tools repackages Microsoft's ILMerge into a NuGet package that includes the original files in the tools directory instead of as content. The files included in this package are the identical files that are included in the official ILMerge NuGet package of the same version. ILMerge is a utili...
Api to access the TheTVDB database