Top 20 NuGet dotnet Packages

Extensions to use Reactive observable in SignalR streams
A library that provides async configurable producer consumer chaining with callbacks and base classes.
Ado.Net wrapper for Elastic Search
Database provider for kcartlidge/migratable adding support for Postgres
Xml Rpc Server Protocol Base for .Net Standard. Use this Package to implement Xml-Rpc based Servers. Notice: If you're looking for out-of-the box server-implementations use XmlRpc.Kestrel (for Kestrel Middleware) or XmlRpc.Listener (for HttpListener) instead.
HttpListener Implementation of XmlRpc.Server. Use this Package if you want to build a Xml Rpc Server with a simple HttpListener.GetContext.
The package helps in working with files irrespective of the file type. An additional method is added in this release to read file as base64string. It contains helper classes with easy to understand methods to handle the process of upload and delete files physically from the folder for .Net Framework...
Simple NMEA Parsing LIbrary for dotnet core
Framework for interacting with X9 (ICL) file format.
EntityFrameworkIncludeBuilder is an Entity Framework Core extensions which provide ability to build dynamically Include/ThenInclude chain.
Package Description
An intuitive, progressive and comprehensive client to interact with the Azure REST API services. Please see the project website on for documentation.
An intuitive, progressive and comprehensive client to interact with the Azure REST API services. Please see the project website on for documentation.
Contains obscure and sometimes deprecated features of the Azure REST API. Please see the project website on for documentation.
An intuitive, progressive and comprehensive client to interact with the Azure REST API services. Please see the project website on for documentation.