Top 20 NuGet .net Packages

Http sync module for SapphireDb
Blockcore Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) for .NET
Contains a renderer used to draw two dimensional graphics using Direct 3D 11.2 for hardware accelation.
Contains functionality to read, write and manipulate image data using various common image formats such as DDS, TGA, PNG, etc...
Contains access to low level graphics functionality utilizing hardware accelerated rendering through Direct3D 11.2.
The API for accessing content file systems created by the Gorgon Editor from an application. It can also be used to create plug ins for the Editor application.
Contains common core functionality used by the various Gorgon libraries.
Contains the functionality used to provide animation to specific property types on objects.
A .NET source generator for creating simple value objects without too much boilerplate for Equals, GetHashCode and operators overloads/implementations.
Microsoft Orleans hosting support for Kubernetes
Create your own virtual drive in .NET for Windows and macOS with synchronization support, on-demand loading, offline files, and Windows File Manager / macOS Finder integration and custom columns support. Contains base IFile, IFolder and IEngine low-level file system interfaces for creating file and...
Provides ability to create exception handler with strongly-typed settings and conventions using dependency injection.
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