Top 20 NuGet .net Packages

Microsoft Orleans clustering provider backed by AWS DynamoDB
Utility classes and extensions to facilitate testing with NUnit.
A server-side library for .NET that provides real-time HTTP push (comet/reverse Ajax). (Community Edition)
A library for .NET that extends WebSync to support easy management of IceLink peer-to-peer conferences. (Community Edition)
A server-side library for .NET that provides an aspect-oriented framework for developing RESTful APIs. (Community Edition)
A server-side library for .NET that extends WebSync to use SQL Server as a backend message hub for horizontal scaling. (Community Edition)
A server-side library for .NET that extends WebSync to provide notifications when clients subscribe to or unsubscribe from a channel. (Community Edition)
.net wrapper for BreweryDb API
ACSP.NET is a lightweight and fast .NET web-framework based on MVC and OWIN.
Libset for agile software development
.NET SQLServer Data Access, Object Relational Mapper and Caching Library
Easy-to-use test run reporter for SpecFlow
AMPS Client for C#
A client for mysql for .net standard, using mysql connector
This is a portable class library which makes it easy to access the Bing Maps Spatial Data Services from .NET.
The Xigadee library is used to create Microservice based applications.
Xigadee .NET Framework library is used to provide deeper integration in to the Windows platform.
IBM.WatsonDeveloperCloud.PersonalityInsights.v3 wraps the Watson Developer Cloud Personality Insights service (
IBM.WatsonDeveloperCloud.VisualRecognition.v3 wraps the Watson Developer Cloud Visual Recognition service (
Abstact interface for DewDatabase products