Top 20 NuGet .net Packages

Simplify.Repository FluentNHibernate implementation
Base types for creating Microsoft Orleans grains with event-sourced state.
Package to enable VS Solutions to compile and enhance persistent classes.
Simple Http Listener This is the legacy version of Simple HTTP Listener. Please see project web site for a new version.
Easy-to-use test run reporter for NUnit 3 (NUnit extension for both NUnit.Console and NUnit.Engine)
Reactive Extensions (RX) with NetMQ as the transport layer. Send messages anywhere on the network!
The IBM.WatsonDeveloperCloud is a core project of Watson SDK in .Net. The other Watson SDK in .Net service packages depend on this package.
SqlServer provider for dotEntity
Sqlite Database Provider for dotEntity
MySql provider for dotEntity
Yet another simple and powerful micro ORM for .NET
ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Elevation is based on .NET Framework. It is a SDK to Use Map Suite Elevation to get elevation points, contour and viewshed anywhere around the world. Wiki Documentation: Supported Platforms: Windows, Linux, macOS - Compatible Products - Map Suite De...
Extends ADONetHelper library to MySQL, MariaDb, Percona Server, Amazon Aurora, Azure Database for MySQL
Aspose.OMR Cloud SDK provides functionality for using Aspose.OMR for Cloud API to create, recognize and grade OMR forms such as test, survey, quiz, answer sheet - any type of document that includes bubbles as input. IMPORTANT This is the major release of Aspose.OMR Cloud which delivers significant...
.NET client for the VIES - European Commission - VAT validation service
Armature dependency injection framework, provides fluent syntax and syntax sugar over Armature.Core framework