Top 20 NuGet documentdb Packages
Azure DocumentDb Repository Pattern is a layer on top of Azure DocumentDb Client that simplifies the communication with the database and provides a repository-like interface.
MassTransit extension to use Azure DocumentDB as a large message data repository
A slick and easy to use Azure DocumentDB helper library
DocumentDBCpp is C++ wrapper and object model for DocumentDB NoSQL database. It is built on top of C++ REST SDK framework, so all the goodies like Task Parallelism are included. There is no other dependencies except C++ REST SDK.
DocumentDBCpp is C++ wrapper and object model for DocumentDB NoSQL database. It is built on top of C++ REST SDK framework, so all the goodies like Task Parallelism are included. There is no other dependencies except C++ REST SDK.
DocumentDBCpp is C++ wrapper and object model for DocumentDB NoSQL database. It is built on top of C++ REST SDK framework, so all the goodies like Task Parallelism are included. There is no other dependencies except C++ REST SDK.
Uses Azure DocumentDb provider to seamlessly integrate plug into ASP.NET Identity Framework.
Identity for Oogi2.
This library provides:
1) Automatic retry logic with overloads taking both synchronous and asynchronous delegates compatible with all DocumentDB client methods.
2) A "query interceptor" that A) both allows use of the aforementioned retry logic with Linq IQueryables against DocumentDB (this supports ...
a resilient abstract data access. StartPoint ECommerce.DataAccess based on Hexagonal architecture gives you the capacity to access any data source with retrying and fallback action
a resilient abstract data access. StartPoint ECommerce.DataAccess based on Hexagonal architecture gives you the capacity to access any data source with retrying and fallback action
a resilient abstract data access. StartPoint ECommerce.DataAccess based on Hexagonal architecture gives you the capacity to access any data source with retrying and fallback action
a resilient abstract data access. StartPoint ECommerce.DataAccess based on Hexagonal architecture gives you the capacity to access any data source with retrying and fallback action
a resilient abstract data access. StartPoint ECommerce.DataAccess based on Hexagonal architecture gives you the capacity to access any data source with retrying and fallback action
a resilient abstract data access. StartPoint ECommerce.DataAccess based on Hexagonal architecture gives you the capacity to access any data source with retrying and fallback action
a resilient abstract data access. StartPoint ECommerce.DataAccess based on Hexagonal architecture gives you the capacity to access any data source with retrying and fallback action
BeatPulse.DocumentDb is the health check package for Azure DocumentDb on BeatPulse
FeatureToggle provider for storing feature toggles in Azure DocumentDB.
CosmosDB (SQL API) database provider for OpenCQRS domain store.
Scaffolding to support sub-collections in Azure Cosmos DB. Sub-collections can enable cost reductions, particularly for small deployments with small Azure Cosmos DB provisioned throughput.