Top 20 NuGet directory Packages

Adds zip scheme/file support to Platform.VirtualFileSystem. Platform.VirtualFileSystem is a powerful .NET library that provides a uniform and cross-platform abstraction layer for file systems. It is similar to VFS features of various operating systems like Linux except it all runs in manage...
Adds support for super simple persistence of objects as XML files to Platform.VirtualFileSystem. Platform.VirtualFileSystem is a powerful .NET library that provides a uniform and cross-platform abstraction layer for file systems. Find out more at:
This package provides easy file system abstraction and two implementations storing through azure blob storage or local disk. These implementations are interchangeable and you can easily switch between them in different environments.
This package is shared between all other DSInternals packages. Its main features are Azure AD Graph API and ADSI clients for for retrieval of cryptographic material. It contains implementations of common hash functions used by Windows, including NT hash, LM hash and OrgId hash. It also contains meth...
Lightweight Graph API client for the user management and reporting needs of a AAD B2C tenant.
Templates to use when creating a web app that signs in users or a protected web API with the Microsoft identity platform (and call downstream APIs)
Transactional File Manager is a .NET API that supports including file system operations such as file copy, move, delete, append, etc. in a transaction. It's an implementation of System.Transaction.IEnlistmentNotification (works with System.Transactions.TransactionScope). See GitHub project for more...
Provides an active directory RoleProvider and MembershipProvider based on LDAP protocols.
Azure Active Directory Authentication plugin for ServiceStack The AadAuthProvider is a great way to add Microsoft organizational authentication to some or all of your ServiceStack web site or services. Azure Active Directory (AAD or formerly WAAD) enables login to custom apps when organizations ar...
A file system I/O library that overcomes limitations of .NET's System.IO libraries (such as long path names), aspires to be platform independent, and require less time to learn than System.IO.
Friendly wrapper/handler for the Microsoft Azure Active Directory Graph SDK Client. Provides a more a structured approach to using the SDK with more helpful annotations. Also includes a facility for injecting a CacheProvider. See GitHub Project link for more details:
Dapplo.CaliburnMicro.Toasts brings toasts via CaliburnMicro and ToastNotifications
Rebuld of (Novell.Directory.Ldap.NETStandard) for net standard 1.3 with signing Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.* packages Assemly has strong key and can be placed in GAC .NET Standard 1.3 LDAP signed client library. Works with any LDAP server (including Microsoft Active Directory - AD)
This package contains extensions to Azure Active Directory Library for .NET (ADAL.NET)
Microsoft Orleans Grain Directory implementation that uses Redis
A fluent wrapper around System.IO
A class library for common file system operations including inheritance and permissions.
A wrapper library for Active Directory (LDAP) authentication
Compile LDAP filter strings (RFC 1960/2254/4515) from LINQ Expressions, or parse them into LINQ Expressions.
ASP.Net identity utilities for Azure