Top 20 NuGet directory Packages

Require Directory (require-directory) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
.NetStandard library for accessing easily Azure AD/B2C secured API's via Oauth2 and getting information via the Graph Api
Lightweight file chooser for Xamarin.Android
DirectoryServices API for the sensenet platform.
Simple File chooser DialogFragment. Has 3 usable callbacks and device-default theming.
Package makes integrating JWT Bearer Token Security to your ASP .NET Core app a breeze!! Azure Active Directory, Google, Facebook, Twitter auth integration. Also, Swagger UI integration!
Microsoft Orleans Grain Directory provider backed by Azure Storage
Dapper-based fluent library to simplify Active Directory data access.
Simplifies working with PKI-related Active Directory objects (such as certificate templates and certification authorities).
The Enterprise Library Security Application Block provide a common abstraction from specific security providers.
An encapsulation of the file system. Makes it easy to fake the file system in your tests.
A portable api for filesystem io using a unified interface.
Managed implementation/wrapper for the various ADSI enumerations, interfaces and objects
File manager tool for a .NET application that allows retrieving the properties of an individual file or directory, such as the name, the size, the extension name, when it was created and much more. A directory listing can also be retrieved listing all the properties for the files and directories tha...
Simple Active directory connection helper built-on another nuget-package
A System.Web.Security.RoleProvider that uses Active Directory groups as its data store. See: for RoleProvider configuration details.
Shared types (models and utilities) for IO
Provides interface abstractions for System.IO filesystem entities. Also provides a default implementation of IFileSystem that provides the default behavior of the System.IO implementations.
A System.Web.Security.RoleProvider that maps to existing Active Directory groups. See: for RoleProvider configuration details.