Top 20 NuGet directory Packages

A tree structure drawers for console applications.
A structured class containing helper methods to simplify the process of authentication and access to active directory users. The package contains customized simple methods that are helpful in searching users with relevant filters and authenticate users.
A small library that simplifies using file paths.
UiPath activity that authenticates a user in the current AD domain
A TempDirectoryBuilder that provides unique temporary directories and automatically cleans them up for you.
Create / Read / Write / Delete files and directories
Search users in active directory by their first or last name
A package, which includes helpful auxiliary methods.
Filesy library, used to enumerate drives and files
A wrapper around the device local drive to easy the directory and file selection
A base interface for the Xamarin.CloudDrive.Connector implementations
It has 2 activities to get the size of the directory or File 1.Directory Size 2.File Size
It has 4 activities 1.DirectoryReadOnly 2.DirectoryShare 3.HideUnhide 4.Security
Recommended for backup folder structures and logging purposes.