Top 20 NuGet dictionary Packages

A .NET implementation of the Bundle from the Android SDK
Priority queue, reversible dictionary, reversible sorted dictionary, dynamic multidimensional array, heap, heapsort etc.
A small library providing an easy way to cache objects with an expiration time.
A trictionary data structure is a dictionary where each entry is identified by a unique combination of two keys.
A series of utilities for multithreading. The documentation can be found on Several items are available: LockFree Queue, LockFree Dictionary. A wrapper on the default C# timers to wrap their differences.
TypeScript implementation of an AVL tree, a self-balancing binary search tree, with enumerable/iterable collections like set and map.
Inspect values in JSON strings with single line expressions and plain old CLR objects without using foreach/if to extract values from JSON. Extract the 42 from ["first",{"aString":"HelloWorld","aNumber":42}] with C# expression: json.AsList[1].AsDictionary["aNumber"].AsInt
PersistentDictionary is a simple class that implements IDictionary, and backs the storage to disk. It allows a simple key-value pair store. It supports strings, value-types, and binary blobs. It is built on the ManagedEsent library.
Wiktionary library for .NET
Simple class to create custom equality comparers to be used in Dictionary and HashSet, among others.
A lightweight library to load application configuration settings into a dictionary.
ObservableDictionary based on AVLTree with O(log N) insert/removal operations. Collection event aren't "Reset" but with proper positioning so it can be bound to the UI without affecting sort/group/highlight position on update. Source code, usage and example can be found at
Some caching tools.
Two-way dictionary (keyA-keyB).
Implementation of common .NET collection types (i.e IDictionary, ISet, IList) via abstraction over StackExchange.Redis
A powerful library of immutable and persistent data structures for the .NET platform.
Automagically parses (with reflection) an Dictionary/DataRow/DataTable to a custom class of yours.
Indexed dictionary is the first collection object in the indexed collections family.
Client for glosbe dictionary.
A lightweight JavaScript library that brings proper .NET-like collections and LINQ to JavaScript.