Top 20 NuGet dictionary Packages

Writes data from xlsx file to config file
Makes it so you can save array data easily in JSON and XML format.
Provides the ability to more intuitively connect Parent-Child relationships via Callback methods.
Centralized dictionary service contracts
Provides robust map collections for C# with high compatibility with core collection interfaces, including BiMap, MultiMap and MultiBiMap.
A dictionary that is thread safe and is non-blocking
Distributed in-memory cache
Contains 2 English Language Dictionaries: small (53,000 words) and large (172,000 words) Allows you to see if a string is a valid English word. Also can generate random words. Works on Windows, Android
Provides implementations of bidirectional dictionaries.
Light weight package to quickly and easily manage, load, update and save key-value type database
Source code package. An extension for converting the values in either an IConfiguration or an IConfigurationProvider to a nested IDictionary<string,object>.
Source code package. An extension for converting the values in either an IConfiguration or an IConfigurationProvider to an IDictionary<string,string>.
Useful extension methods for .NET.
.NET library that implements an ordered dictionary. Provides all the functionality of Dictionary<TKey, TValue> but also maintains the items in an ordered list. Items can be added, removed and accessed by key or index. Implements IDictionary.
Package Description
Package Description
A .NET Standard 2.0 library that enables checking terms and abbreviations for existence against a glossary of approved terms and abbreviations. In addition, the glossary has methods to abbreviate terms or expand abbreviations based on the GlossaryItems in the glossary. It was designed for checking d...