Top 20 NuGet dictionary Packages

Abp data dictionary module.
Abp data dictionary module.
Abp data dictionary module.
Abp data dictionary module.
Abp data dictionary module.
MADE.NET Collections allows you to easily interact with collections, lists, arrays, and dictionaries.
Diplo Dictionary Editor for Umbraco is a custom section for editing Dictionary values in Umbraco. It allows quick and easy editing of all dictionary items and also allows the dictionary to be exported and imported in CSV format. Note: As it's a custom section you need to grant users access to view i...
==CSharpTest.Net.BPlusTree== This library is a fairly full featured IDictionary<TKey, TValue> implementation backed by a B+Tree on disk. The instance is thread-safe and supports a form of MVCC (Multi Version Concurancy Control) to support non-blocking reads. Great for storing a local cache or use ...
Either drag the RapidSpellDialog and RapidSpellAsYouType spelling controls into your XAML, or programmatically create in C# or VB.NET (and it really is just a few lines of code).
Umbraco helper to fetch dictionary items for Umbraco
Contains various parser optimized for speed and no allocation. This package was built from the source at
DAWG (Directed Acyclic Word Graph) is a data structure for storing and searching large word lists while keeping your memory footprint small and lookups fast. DawgSharp is an open-source C# implementation featuring a linear time graph reduction algorithm and out-of-the-box persistence support. ...
An implementation of yandex linguistics API (Predictor, Translator, Dictionary, Speller, Inflector) in .NET
NetSpell's suggestions for a misspelled word are generated using phonetic (sounds like) matching and ranked by a typographical (looks like) score. NetSpell supports multiple languages and the dictionaries are based on the OpenOffice Affix compression format. NetSpell also supports user added words,...
Morfologik Stemming (Polish Dictionary). Morfologik is a project aiming at generating Polish morphosyntactic dictionaries (hence the name) used for part-of-speech tagging and part-of-speech synthesis.
Spellchekr is a basic framework for building simple spell checkers.
A .NET client wrapper and object parser for Merriam-Webster's APIs.
A .NET client for the Lexicala api.