Top 20 NuGet design Packages
Autofac integration for Hummingbird's EntityFramework implementation.
This library contains UnitOfWorks, Repository, Command, Command Manifest, Task command and EventAggregator pattern interfaces.
An application framework that makes you very fluent in developing .NET applications
A NoSQL abstraction layer
You are provided with a neat opinionated pattern of input argument validation
You are provided with the capability to only execute classes when its their responsibility to do so
Guardly is a defensive programming framework
A dynamic ViewModel sample data generator library for .NET Universal Apps.
Simple Design by contract library supporting PreConditions and PostConditions
A domain driven design library for .NET
Autofac implementation for the domain event handler resolver defined in Affecto.Patterns.Domain.UnitOfWork NuGet.
Package will help you to build AngularJS code according to Angular Best Design Guidelines for ASP.NET MVC or WebAPI applications. Package includes Angular UI Material JS libraries and respective CSS.
The persistence companion (event dispatcher) for dddlib, a domain driven design library for .NET
A library for .NET designed to remove some of the complexity from denormalization
A generic, portable, tested and easy to use Singleton pattern implementation for .NET, to enforce a pattern of singular instance creation