Top 20 NuGet design Packages

xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.DomainCommands
The default presentation template for Running Objects that is built on top of Twitter Bootstrap framework.
With this package you can easily add server-side scaled images to your EPiServer site supporting responsive design.
With this package you can easily add server-side scaled images to your EPiServer site supporting responsive design. For simple scalling use <ow:Image src="/myImg.png" Width="100" Height="100" Tranformation="ScaleToFill" For responsive design use <ow:ResponsiveImage /> where you can define breakpo...
With this package you can easily add server-side scaled images to your EPiServer site supporting responsive design. For simple scalling use <ow:Image src="/myImg.png" Width="100" Height="100" Tranformation="ScaleToFill" For responsive design use <ow:ResponsiveImage /> where you can define breakpo...
T4 code generation templates for N-Tier Entity Framework with EF4. Install this package for MyProject.Server.Domain.Edmx projekt if you target EF4.
EF5 provider for N-Tier Entity Framework.
Bonsai Design Library containing editor classes for OSC protocol configuration.
.NET version of Pattern Lab (Mustache)
Responsive MQ has been designed to enable you to attach JavaScript functions to media queries so you can have viewport specific code executing within your app to partner up with your responsive CSS.
The persistence companion for dddlib, a domain driven design library for .NET
Shadow for uwp control base on win2d
Interfaces and base implementation for the domain-driven design pattern, including aggregate roots, domain repositories and domain events.
Material Design Lite Tag Helpers for ASP.NET Core.
Foundations for domain model design
An opensource library written on C#. It contains a lot of useful things.
Material Design for xamarin forms applications.
User interface components for material design (android version)