Top 20 NuGet dependency Packages

Kraken.Caching is a library that generates proxy implementation to the services to the dependency injection and adds customizable caching components
Simple but powerful dependency management in .NET Core.
Register services using assembly scanning and a fluent API.
Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) and Autofac integration.
Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) and Unity integration.
Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) interception support using LinFu.
Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) interception support using Unity.Interception.
Mugen Injection extension to add ioc for WCF services.
Extension for Mugen Injection providing integration with ASP.NET MVC2.
Extension for Mugen Injection providing integration with ASP.NET MVC3.
The Mugen Injection container for the NServicebus.
Unity Automapper provides, as the name suggests, easy-to-use auto-mapping capabilities. You simply call a single extension method on the Unity Container, providing the names of your assemblies, or a collection of types, and the mapper does the rest! It determines suitable mappings based on interface...
Mugen Injection extension to add Ioc for Web application.
Extension for Mugen Injection providing integration with ASP.NET MVC4.
Interception extension for MugenInjection. Supports Silverlight 4-5, NET 2-4.5
Logging extension for MugenInjection.
This packages provides a version of the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) that is lightweight and specifically optimized for high throughput scenarios, such as the web. Supported Platforms: - .NET Framework 4.5 - Windows 8 - Windows Phone 8.1 - Windows Phone Silverlight 8 - Portable Class Libra...
Xml-based module loader for MugenInjection. Supports Silverlight 4-5, WinRT, Windows Phone 7.1-8, NET 2-4.5.