Top 20 NuGet dependency Packages

IInject is a DI (Dependency Injection) framework that is very light weight, fast, and easy to use.
Log4net logging extension for MugenInjection.
NLog2 logging extension for MugenInjection.
At under 5K minified & gzipped HeadJS provides you with: * Asset Loader: Load scripts and stylesheets when you need them. head.load("file1.js" , "file2.js" , function() { done(); }) head.load("file1.css", "file2.css", function() { done(); }) * JavaScript Organizer: Defer execution to the bottom of...
Implements an opinionated 'parts folder' model out of the box for ASP.NET MVC and WebAPI applications.
Provides dependency injection into ASP.NET MVC controllers and filter attributes.
Log4net logging extension for MugenInjection.
This package provides a starting point that automatically wires up a new dependency injection configuration for Windsor using a composition root pattern and injection through either IControllerFactory or IDependencyResolver. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of virtually ...
This package provides a starting point that automatically wires up a new dependency injection configuration for Unity using a composition root pattern and injection through either IControllerFactory or IDependencyResolver. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of virtually an...
This package provides a starting point that automatically wires up a new dependency injection configuration for Autofac using a composition root pattern and injection through either IControllerFactory or IDependencyResolver. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of virtually ...
This package provides a starting point that automatically wires up a new dependency injection configuration for SimpleInjector using a composition root pattern and injection through either IControllerFactory or IDependencyResolver. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of vir...
This package provides a starting point that automatically wires up a new dependency injection configuration for Windsor using a composition root pattern and injection through either IControllerFactory or IDependencyResolver. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of virtually ...
This package provides a starting point that automatically wires up a new dependency injection configuration for Autofac using a composition root pattern and injection through either IControllerFactory or IDependencyResolver. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of virtually ...
This package provides a starting point that automatically wires up a new dependency injection configuration for Unity using a composition root pattern and injection through either IControllerFactory or IDependencyResolver. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of virtually an...
This package provides a starting point that automatically wires up a new dependency injection configuration for Windsor using a composition root pattern and injection through either IControllerFactory or IDependencyResolver. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of virtually ...
This package provides a starting point that automatically wires up a new dependency injection configuration for Autofac using a composition root pattern and injection through either IControllerFactory or IDependencyResolver. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of virtually ...
IoC Framework that provides modules and compiler support
This package provides a starting point that automatically wires up a new dependency injection configuration for Grace using a composition root pattern and injection through either IControllerFactory or IDependencyResolver. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of virtually an...
This package provides a starting point that automatically wires up a new dependency injection configuration for Grace using a composition root pattern and injection through either IControllerFactory or IDependencyResolver. You may customize this configuration to allow for replacement of virtually an...
EFC Service application block. Includes compoents such as Data acccess, Exception handling, Logging, Audting etc