Top 20 NuGet dependency Packages

Extensions to help clean up dependency injection in Azure WebJobs using SimpleInjector as a container.
A tool for enforcing project dependency conventions - console runner
A simple and portable single file IoC (Inversion of Control) container supporting .NET Standard 2.0.
Simplified dependency injection provider.
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Tired of MongoDb nugets promising the world, but havn't been updated in years? Here is a very simple context/repository MongoDb wrapper for the MongoDb Driver, dives you as simple operations as possible
Ever wanted to use a flat-file NOSQL database? Here you'll find a repository-pattern-like IOC-ready set of tools, (among others), to give you this esoteric functionality
Allows for the resolution of IRequestCultureProvider instances via the service provider during each request. This allows standard dependency resolution of RequestCultureProvider depencies for things like DBConnection, Http Clients, Caches, etc.
Improve cohesion and modularity through hierarchical structure and unidirectional (non-circular) dependencies. Eunice analyses code and shows if dependencies are unidirectional or circular across the hierarchical structure.
TinYard is a C# framework built to provide easy DI, event system and more.
Common library for registering any component using ISingletonDependency, IScopedDependency and ITransientDependency
boilerplatezero (BPZ) is a collection of C# source generators that simplify the code required for common C# patterns. Included generators: - DependencyPropertyGenerator - generates idiomatic WPF dependency property code - RoutedEventGenerator - generates idiomatic WPF routed event code
Share dotnet C# IoC implementation, used at Agoda.
Grace.log4net provides integration classes between log4net and Grace (Dependency Injection Container)
Adds support for loading services into dependency injection to the hosted application by convention.
Dependency Injection support registration from assemblies.
Startup modules for ASP.NET Core.