Top 20 NuGet data Packages
Easily seed an Entity Framework context with data from CSV files
The SharedMemory library provides a set of C# classes that utilise a memory-mapped file for fast low-level inter-process communication (IPC) - specifically for sharing data between processes.
It features:
* a lock-free FIFO circular buffer
* a simple fixed-size generic shared memory array class
Allows to import and manage text-based files directly in the editor
Charting Controls for Windows 10, ported from the Silverlight Toolkit.
Dapper, DapperExtensions and Linq Queries.
An easy-to-use timeseries database client that allows storing of masses of simple of data structures identified by a string id and a timestamp.
An easy-to-use timeseries database client that allows storing of masses of simple of data structures identified by a string id and a timestamp.
This package has been discontinued from version 7.0.0 and onwards. All classes has been moved to Vibrant.Tsdb.
SQL primitives and helpers.
Libary of data conversion extension methods
This library allows to retrieve financial data using Alpha Vantage API.
The official page of Avapi.NET CORE is available at this link:
The complete documentation of Avapi.NET CORE is available at this link:
To star...
Redacts the PII information i.e name, organization, location,email, ssn, driver license, passport no. ip address etc.
Interactive Data Display for WPF is a set of controls for adding interactive visualization of dynamic data to your application.
MVC component which adds functionality for automatic server side processing for the famous table plugin for jQuery - DataTables. Supports paging, searching, sorting and custom filters (Less Than, Less than or equal, Greater than, Greater than or equal and Equal) and nested objects.
A reimplementation of PCLStorage that keeps 100% of the publicly-accessible API, and is contained in only one .NET Standard assembly that does not rely on any external framework code.
Oracle database provider for Entity Framework Core.
An in-memory implementation of Hektonian.DataSource
An Entity Framework Core implementation of Hektonian.DataSource
Library and CLI for randomly generating medical data like you might get out of an Electronic Health Records (EHR) system. It is intended for generating data for demos and testing ETL / cohort generation/ data management tools.
BadMedicine differs from other random data generators e.g. Mockaro...
NodaTime support for SQLServer in Entity Framework Core