Top 20 NuGet data Packages
.NET text extraction framework
LeadPipe.Net.Data provides essential data tier objects including an implementation of a repository, the query object pattern, and unit of work pattern. You can use this package to build your own data implementation, but you might also be interested in the pre-built data implementations such as LeadP...
LeadPipe.Net.Validation an easy-to-use validation attribute library and extension methods that build on Microsoft's data validation framework. It includes attributes you can place on class properties such as Required, NoTrailingWhitespace, Alpha, Alphanumeric, Minimum, MinimumLength, and lots more.
Semiodesk Trinity is a high-level C# API for querying and manipulating RDF triplestores. Semiodesk Trinity offers a Object-Mapping mechanism which also supports all the features that makes RDF great, for example being schema-less and inferencing.
Crypteron Security Framework Core Library shared by CipherDB, CipherStor, CipherObject and other products.
Visual Studio project template to generate codes for POCO and container of TrackableData.
Projeto com classes utilitarias para trabalhar com banco de dados
Package Description
Data structures and algorithms.
FsLab is a single package that gives you all you need for doing data science with F#. FsLab includes explorative data manipulation library, type providers for easy data access, simple charting library, support for integration with R and numerical computing libraries. All available in a single packag...
Reinforced.Lattice is ultimate remote data representation framework for ASP.NET with extended templating capabilities
Reinforced.Lattice additional Razor templating extensions for ASP.NET MVC 4
Reinforced.Lattice Razor helpers for changing layout design templates built for ASP.NET MVC 5
This is the Data module of the Shared framework.
Data classes for CodeStream Shared Services infrastructure
Uma API .Net Standard para validação e formatação de CPF, CNPJ, Título Eleitoral, números por extenso em português e obtenção de endereços através do CEP.
ActiveX Data Objects (activex-data-objects) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Poco.Evolved.LiteDB is a specific implementation of Poco.Evolved for LiteDB ( As a document database, LiteDB is schema-less. However you might update or reorganize some persistent data with your new app version.