Top 20 NuGet dal Packages

Implementation of CQELight DAL abstractions with MongoDb
This library exposes abstractions for the repository and unit-of-work patterns that enable developers to write data access layers that work with a variety of ORMs and database tools.
NetStandard2.0 Unit Of Work
Sql Client Wrapper for the SubSonic Data Layer
A .Net Core REST API builder that auto generates EF entities automapped to CRUD models and exposes them in a react-admin - compatible REST dialect.
A .Net Core REST API builder that auto generates EF entities automapped to CRUD models and exposes them in a react-admin - compatible REST dialect.
Provides base implementations for a DAL-level entity, mapper for mapping between DAL and Domain entity and base Unit of Work class.
SqlExecutor implementaion via Dapper
Classes for working with EntityFramework
This package will enable you to profile Telerik DataAccess runtime by installing Telerik.OpenAccess.ServiceHost.dll as reference to your project. After configuring logging levels and online profiling you can use Telerik.OpenAccess.Profiler.exe to track various metrics of your data layer.
Conversation data access layer
Business Logic Toolkit DB2 Data Provider for .NET
Business Logic Toolkit Firebird Data Provider for .NET
Business Logic Toolkit Informix Data Provider for .NET
Business Logic Toolkit MySql Data Provider for .NET
Business Logic Toolkit PostgreSql Data Provider for .NET
Business Logic Toolkit SqlCe Data Provider for .NET
Business Logic Toolkit SQLite Data Provider for .NET
Business Logic Toolkit Sybase Data Provider for .NET
Allows for SQLinq to be more easily used with a little help from "Dapper dot net".