Top 20 NuGet dal Packages

Classic data access layer is nothing but querying data from database, extracting & packing data into CLR typed classes. Classic DAL Helpers makes it easier for back-end layers, especially for Data Access Objects to extract and fill data. Its developed in Microsoft .NET 3.5, C#.
Uses memcached as the cache provider for NHibernate..
An data access component. It provides a library of classes and a tool, using it in .net project can make data accessing more easily.
EntityFramework DbContext Extension Helper.
Simple micro-ORM for SQL Server, with first-class support for dynamics and async/await
A light-weight Micro-ORM to take away the pain in data access logic.
N-Tier Entity Framework WCF RIA Services base library and T4 code generation templates.
T4 code generation templates for N-Tier Entity Framework.
Similar to NHibernate.Caches.SysCache, uses ASP.NET cache. This provider also supports SQL dependency-based expiration, meaning that it is possible to configure certain cache regions to automatically expire when the relevant data in the database changes. SysCache2 requires Microsoft SQL Server 2000...
NHibernate with async support, works on .net 4.5.2
A fluent cross-db object-relational mapping api.
Containts base types for DAL.
Contains implementations for Bricks.DAL concepts.
Data access layer to attachments
Interfaces for data access layer to the attachment.
Auctions data access layer