Top 20 NuGet dal Packages
Framework that facilitates a rich entity model with repositories and services that can be distributed across service layers.
Tools to help generate entities and their supporting classes.
MonkeyOrm is a small, powerful SQL-based ORM for .NET.
Website: .
Source code:
Some of MonkeyOrm features and design choices:
* Doesn’t pollute your code: no base classes to inherit from, no attributes and no xml config.
* Easy to ado...
NLite.Data Framework 是一个轻量简单易用的开源Linq ORM数据访问组件,支持Nullable类型和枚举类型,对Linq的谓词提供了完美的支持,旨在让绝大部份的主流数据库都使用 Linq 来进行程序开发,让开发人员访问数据库从SQL中解放出来,易学易用上手快,配置简单,并且提供了源代码下载,方便定制。支持多数据库,目前支持Access、SQLServer、SqlCE、SQLite、MySQL、ORACLE,未来还会支持更多的数据库。
一: 约定胜于配置
连接字符串的配置完全遵循.Net 的...
ELinq 是一个轻量简单易用的开源Linq ORM数据访问组件,支持Nullable类型和枚举类型,对Linq的谓词提供了完美的支持,支持根据实体类自动建库建表建关系,支持根据数据库通过T4模版自动生成实体代码,旨在让绝大部份的主流数据库都使用 Linq 来进行程序开发,让开发人员访问数据库从SQL中解放出来,易学易用上手快,配置简单,并且提供了源代码下载,方便定制。支持多数据库,目前支持Access、SQLServer、SqlCE、SQLite、MySQL、ORACLE,未来还会支持更多的数据库。
MS SQL HierarchyId methods support for NHibernate
Business Logic Toolkit AzureSql Data Provider for .NET
T4 code generation templates for N-Tier Entity Framework with EF6. Install this package for MyProject.Server.Domain.Edmx projekt if you target EF6.
T4 code generation templates for N-Tier Entity Framework with EF5. Install this package for MyProject.Server.Domain.Edmx projekt if you target EF5.
N-Tier Entity Framework Silverlight client base library.
EF6 provider for N-Tier Entity Framework.
EF4 provider for N-Tier Entity Framework.
N-Tier Entity Framework server base library.
Common base library N-Tier Entity Framework.
N-Tier Entity Framework client base library.
NHibernate 2nd level cache provider that uses System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache.
Supports SqlChangeMonitor and HostFileChangeMonitor.
Does not depend on System.Web.dll
Fluent, XML-less, compile safe, automated, convention-based mappings for NHibernate.
NI.Data.Storage provides ADO.NET-like access to data represented with entity-attribute-value model. Entities may be queried, created, updated and deleted like usual database tables.
Biblioteca responsável por centralizar classes e métodos genéricos e padrões para acesso a banco de dados.
Reusable data access components to read data from analysis services using DAX