Top 20 NuGet currency Packages

This is a .NET Framework enhancement framework. Main features are Versioning, Finance, Currency, Foreign Exchange, Money, Pricing strategy, Telemetry, Composite Weighted Progress, Repository and Unity of Wok pattern implementation with Entity Framework Core, Network Connectivity Se...
This package provides the functionality to utilize the features of Syncfusion® WPF BusyIndicator, Button, Split Button, Calendar, Carousel, Chromeless Window, Color Picker, Color Picker Palette, ComboBox, Date-time edit, Double TextBox, Integer TextBox, Percent TextBox, Currency TextBox, Masked Tex...
This package provides the functionality to utilize the features of Syncfusion® WinForms Autocomplete, Carousel, Menu, Multicolumn ComboBox, Color Picker, Docking Manager, Hub Tile, Navigation Drawer, Navigation View, Radial Menu, Radial Slider, Range Slider, Rating, Ribbon, Spell Checker, Split Cont...
This package provides the functionality to utilize the features of Syncfusion® Winforms Card Layout, Flow Layout, Gradient Panel, Grid Layout,Navigation Pane, MakedTextBox, MessageBox, Popup, progressBar, TextBox, Editable ListBox, Folder Browser, Border Layout, Splash Screen, Office 2007 Form, and ...
RapidCore is a collection of dotnet libraries to help you accelerate backend and api development
Number To Text Converter Money To Text Converter Supported Languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Turkish, Russian, Ukrainian, Amharic, Polish, Belarussian, Portuguese. Supported Currencies: EUR, USD, RUB, TRY, UAH, BGN, ETB, PLN, BYN, ARS, BRL. Number Limit: 1 trillion
NodaMoney provides a library that treats Money as a first class citizen and handles all the ugly bits like currencies and formatting.
Editors contains part-based and masked editors for everything from date/time to currency entry, with unique designs that are specifically crafted to support input by keyboard, mouse, touch, and pen in WPF applications. Edit box controls support .NET data types input such as dates, times, numbers, b...
ASPMVC Core extension for using ChustaSoft.StaticData
Implementation of the Money Value Object to support representing moneys in the currencies defined in the ISO 4217 standard, operations over monetary quantities and formatting of its representation.
Unofficial Rest Client for
Installs the assemblies required for InfragisticsWPF.Controls.Editors.XamMaskedInput.dll
Installs the assemblies required for InfragisticsWPF.Editors.dll
Transforms numbers or amount of money into words.
Immutable & zero dependency .NET Core implementation of Fowler's Money pattern
A .NET wrapper for to get exchange rates history and more.
A simple cross platform currency class that follows the ISO 4217 standard.
Generate money amount text in Thai language for example: from 21.50 will be "ยี่สิบเอ็ดบาทห้าสิบสตางค์"
jQuery plugin that automatically formats currency (money) and numbers as you type on form inputs. It supports most International numeric formats and currency signs including those used in Europe, North and South America, Afirica, Asia and India lakhs
Currency conversion using the API