Top 20 NuGet currency Packages
Custom serialization when NMoneys objects are to be serialized/deserialized using RavenDB.
Custom serialization when NMoneys objects are to be serialized/deserialized using ServiceStack.Text.
C# Client Library for API
Examples of semantic classes, including EmailAddress, BirthDate and Amount.
JavaScriptSerializer support for NodaMoney structures.
The client provides a .NET representation of the model and interfaces supported by the Bitnet API.
Quick start example of using the Bitnet C# SDK.
Custom serialization when NMoneys objects are to be serialized/deserialized using MongDB's legacy driver.
Custom serialization when NMoneys objects are to be serialized/deserialized using MongDB's new serialization library.
Custom serialization when NMoneys objects are to be persisted as complex types using Entity Framework.
Library for converting numbers to words in Russian language.
Fixer-IO-Sharp is a simple wrapper library that helps you get currency information for the Euro.
Currency Formatter (currency-formatter) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
A .NET implementation for the GDAX API for exchanging cryptocurrency.
Binance Crypto Currency Client SDK
This package will help programmers convert the ad dates intoSolar Hijri date And Tools for Currency
KuCoin Crypto Currency Client Sdk
A service for quickly retrieving any USD-to-currency exchange quote. Current implementation uses API.
Tool with Common Data used in multiple .NET applications like Countries, Cities, Currencies, ExchangeRates...