Top 20 NuGet currency Packages

ISO4217 currency resolver library
A simple NetStandard based interface for representing currency in .Net projects.
A javascript library for formatting and manipulating numbers. Package issues? Pleae post them here
Fast transmission and deserialization using Protobuf Api.Forex.Currency.Converter is a wrapper for https://Api.Forex
ISO 3166 countries library, including: common Name, official Name, TLD,two and three letter country code, ISO numeric code, CIOC, currencies, callingCodes, capital, alternative spellings, region, subRegion, borders, is landlocked and area in square kilometers
number, money and currency parsing/formatting library
A javascript library for formatting and manipulating numbers. Package issues? Pleae post them here
An easy to use exchange-rate currency checker and converter. Providers include Google and Yahoo. Usage - ExchangeRate.Provider.Yahoo.Rate(Iso4217.GBP, Iso4217.EUR) ExchangeRate.Provider.Google.Rate("GBP", "EUR"); ExchangeRate.Provider.Google.Convert(Iso4217.GBP, Iso4217.EUR, 500);
The SDK provides a default implementation of the Bitnet API client using RestSharp.
Provides money- and currency-related functionality.
A wrapper for the rates and currency conversion API for .NET Core.
Module for Currency based on Entity Framework Core.
Account and payment primitives.
project provide currency converter. use api.exchangerate
Hs.Core.Money provides a library that treats Money as a first class citizen and handles all the ugly bits like currencies and formatting.
Extensions to the implementation of the Money Value Object to support exchange operations between moneys in different currencies.
Custom serialization when NMoneys objects are to be serialized/deserialized using Json.NET.