Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

Project containing the core models used in TwitchLib.Api
Project containing the core of TwitchLib.Api
ScottPlot is a free and open-source plotting library for .NET. This package can be used to create static plots, and user controls for displaying plots interactively are available as separate NuGet packages.
FParsec is a parser combinator library for F#. You can find comprehensive documentation for FParsec at The documentation includes a feature list, a tutorial, a user’s guide and an API reference. This package uses the basic “low-trust” configuration of FParsec, whic...
The core of the Accord.NET Framework. Contains basic classes such as general exceptions and extensions used by other framework libraries.
HTML to PDF converter for C#/.NET (WkHtmlToPdf wrapper). Generates pretty-looking PDF by HTML template or web page URL. Web page is rendered using QtWebKit engine and PDF result is very similar to a web browser view. Engine supports page header/footer, page numbering, custom fonts, javascript execut...
Simple API to fluently map POCO properties to database columns when using Dapper.
Docker.DotNet.X509 is a library that allows you to use certificate authentication with a remote Docker engine programmatically in your .NET applications.
Collection of Microsoft Orleans libraries and files needed on the client.
Library of built-in persistence and stream providers included in Microsoft Orleans.
Core abstractions library of Microsoft Orleans
Extension to integrate Ark.Tools.Solid framework with FluentValidation
SOLID base for Handler pattern
Extension of WorkerHost for a Sql State ptovider
Extension of WorkerHost for a Ftp Watcher
Host class for a ResourceWatcher with ResourceProcessor
Implementation of FtpClient.Core based on System.Net.FtpClient
Implementation of FtpClient.Core as SFtp based on Renci.SshNet
Implementation of FtpClient.Core based on ArxOne.Ftp
This is a very early stage release of the vlingo platform. The vlingo-net-common project consists of some tools that are used across various other vlingo-net projects.