Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

Project containing the V5 section of TwitchLib.Api
Project containing the Helix section of TwitchLib.Api
Project containing all of the interfaces used in TwitchLib.Api
Project containing the enums of TwitchLib.Api
Design and build-time code-gen for records, unions, lenses and immutable With functions
Serilog.Sinks.MicrosoftTeams is a library to save logging information from to The assembly was written and tested in .Net Framework 4.8 and .Net Standard 2.0.
Extensive time period calculations and individual calendar periods.
PLEASE NOTE: iTextSharp is EOL, and has been replaced by iText. Only security fixes will be added We HIGHLY recommend customers use iText for new projects, and to consider moving existing projects from iTextSharp to iText to benefit from the many improvements such as: - HTML to PDF (PDF/A) conversi...
A WinForms control designed to wrap the OpenTK 4.x APIs.
The Exchange Web Services (EWS) Managed API provides a managed interface for developing .NET client applications that use EWS. By using the EWS Managed API, you can access almost all the information stored in an Office 365, Exchange Online, or Exchange Server mailbox.
Framework provides mechanism to compare classes, allows override comparison rules for specific properties and types.
Cross-platform .NET library for talking to HID devices. Backed by the Device.Net framework
Extensions and helpers for using Sql
Extensions and helpers for SimpleInjector
Extensions and helpers for Nodatime
Extensions of Auth0
Artesian SDK library
Syncfusion Word library is feature-rich and high-performance .NET Word library that allows you to create, manipulate and convert Word documents (DOC, DOT, DOCM, DOTM, DOCX, DOTX, RTF, and WordML), TXT, and HTML files.
Code generator for projects using Orleans.Serialization with MSBuild
Cross-platform .NET library for talking to USB devices. Backed by the Device.Net framework