Top 20 NuGet cryptography Packages
Main library of ĐTools project contains various platform-independent non-GUI classes missed from .NET framework.
Foundational security constructs for NetChris operations.
Cryptography helpers for RSA and ECDSA.
Nequeo cryptography OpenPGP component
Nequeo cryptography OpenSSL component
Provides primitives for encryped connections.
All tools for cryptography
Efuelite Solutions Cryptography package helps developers to generate strong passwords, hashing of passwords and authentication of supplied hash passwords to be used in .Net Applications, This pacakge also encrypts and decrypts text,messages in very secure formats to be transmitted safely through any...
Utility for encrypting and validating encrypted data. Also includes methods to encrypt and decrypt using Rijndael and methods to generate SecureString objects.
A library to make it easier to leverage crypto operations inside .NET. Use it for symmetric encryption and decryption. For properly hashing passwords (and that means properly in accordance to a "Troy Hunt" standard in .NET -- NOT endorsed by him by the way). This library also brings along some basic...
Simplified logging, enabled/disabled during runtime. Inspections. Domain objects. Shipping models. Fast thread-safe cache. Cryptographic salted hashes. Enumeration type converter. Validator extensions. Sample data randomizers.
Lightweight helper library to perform common cryptographic operations.
This helper library is wrapper from existing .NET framework library.
This library requires .NET Framework 4.5+.
Various analysis methods for classic and ancient ciphers.
Classic and ancient cipher methods implemented in .NET.
An open source generic message passing protocol with focus on confidentiality and authentication.