Top 20 NuGet cryptography Packages

A wrapper around RsaServiceProvider and AES.
Virgil.PureKit SDK provides developers with the easiest way to communicate with API of the Password-Hardened Encryption (PHE) Service to protect users passwords from offline attacks and make stolen passwords useless even if your database is breached.
CryptHash.Net is a .NET multi-target class library (.NET Standard 2.0/2.1) that can be used in projects with any .NET implementation, like .NET Framework, .NET Core, Mono, Xamarin, etc., for text and files symmetric (AES_128_CBC / AES_192_CBC / AES_256_CBC / AES_128_GCM / AES_192_GCM / AES_256_GCM) ...
CLR Security from Microsoft
This library implements XML serialization and deserialization for the TrustMe library keys and certificates.
This package is a port of DataJuggler.Core.Cryptography for dot net core. It uses using Konscious.Security.Cryptography.Argon2 by Keef Aragaon.
A ProtectedData wrapper that uses DPAPI in Windows and AspNetCore.DataProtection in other platforms.
Cryptographic utilities related to M-Files Vault Applications.
The Enterprise Library Cryptography Application Block simplifies the ways to incorporate cryptographic functionality in applications.
This package contains a C# implementation of the RFC3394 key-wrapping algorithm. The assembly provides two simple operations: one to wrap key data, and another to unwrap the key data. A comprehensive unit test library is available at the package URL which ensures that the implementation is verifie...
The Bouncy Castle API provides many cryptoghraphic APIs to every developpers. It is a port targetting WinRT (Windows Store apps & WP8) of the original C# branch
.NET Utilities exposes simple and effective methods to accomplish tasks which are otherwise unnecessarily complex or long. For example, you can request a web page using this short snippet: string html = Http.Get(""); Clean and simple! .NET Utilities features: - SHA1, SHA256, SHA3...
Framework to simplify web development.
Splits up secrets using Shamir's thresholding secret-sharing scheme
scrypt key-derivation function as a .Net assembly calling a plain-C dll
A high level abstraction over the Windows Certificate store, providing a simplified access model and informative exceptions to aid developers working with X.509 Certificates and the Windows Certificate Store.
[4.5] Adds simple extensions methods to crypt and decrypt byte[] and string (hex or base64) + ToCryptoBufferAES + ToCryptoBase64StringAES + ToCryptoHexStringAES + FromCryptoBufferAES + FromCryptoBase64StringAES + FromCryptoHexStringAES + ToCryptoBuffer3DES + ToCryptoBase64String3DES + ToCryptoHexS...
[Open Source] Vaser is a powerful high-performance event based network engine library for C# .Net. It is possible to start multiple servers in one program and use the same network code for all servers. In the baselayer network communication are all strings are omitted, instead it is based on a uniqu...
A class library for common encryption tasks. Supports various hash and encryption algorithms.